Oracle GoldenGate Commands Reference


A quick-reference guide to commonly used Oracle GoldenGate (GGSCI) commands, covering Manager, Extract, Replicat, and other commands with descriptions and examples for troubleshooting, administration, and maintenance.

Manager CommandsINFO MANAGER / INFO MGR / STATUS MANAGERDisplays the Manager process status information.
START MANAGERStarts the Manager process.
STOP MGR / STOP MANAGER / STOP MANAGER!Stops the Manager process. Using “!” skips the y/n prompt and stops directly.
SEND MANAGERUseful for troubleshooting; provides additional status information. Example: SEND MANAGER GETPORTINFO DETAIL
Extract CommandsINFO <EXTRACT_NAME> / INFO EXTRACT <EXTRACT_NAME> / STATUS EXTRACTDisplays the Extract process status. Use DETAIL for more information. Wildcards supported: INFO E*, DETAIL
ADD EXTRACTCreates a new Extract group. Example for Integrated Extract: ADD EXTRACT ESOURCE01, INTEGRATED TRANLOG, BEGIN NOW
ALTER EXTRACTAlters an existing Extract group.
STOP EXTRACTStops the Extract process. Wildcards supported: STOP EXTRACT *
STATS EXTRACTDisplays Extract process statistics.
START EXTRACTStarts the Extract process. Wildcards supported: START EXTRACT *
REGISTER EXTRACTRegisters an Extract group with its source database.
UNREGISTER EXTRACTUnregisters an Extract group from its source database.
KILL EXTRACTForces an Extract process to stop if it cannot be stopped gracefully.
LAG EXTRACTDisplays lag time between the Extract process and the data source.
CLEANUP EXTRACTDeletes the run history for an Extract group. The Extract must be stopped first.
DELETE EXTRACTDeletes the Extract group. The Extract must be stopped first.
SEND EXTRACTDirects Extract process to generate statistics or reports.
VIEW REPORTViews process reports generated by the SEND command.
Replicat CommandsINFO REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME> / STATUS REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Displays the Replicat process status. Use DETAIL for more information.
START REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Starts the Replicat process.
STATS REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Displays Replicat process statistics.
STOP REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Stops the Replicat process.
KILL REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Forces a Replicat process to stop if it cannot be stopped gracefully.
LAG REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Displays lag time between the Replicat process and the data source.
REGISTER REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Registers a Replicat process with its target database.
UNREGISTER REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Unregisters a Replicat process from its target database.
CLEANUP REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Deletes the run history for a Replicat group. Must be stopped first.
DELETE REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Deletes the Replicat group. Must be stopped first.
SEND REPLICAT <REPLICAT_NAME>Sends ad-hoc commands for report generation or tracing.
VIEW REPORT <REPLICAT_NAME>Views reports generated by the SEND command.
MiscellaneousADD EXTTRAIL / ALTER EXTTRAILCreates or alters a local trail for an Extract group.
ADD RMTTRAIL / ALTER RMTTRAILCreates or alters a remote trail for an Extract or data pump group.
INFO EXTTRAIL / INFO RMTTRAILProvides information on local or remote trail status.
DELETE EXTTRAIL / DELETE RMTTRAILDeletes local or remote trail files.
VIEW PARAMS / EDIT PARAMSViews or edits parameter files for a process.
ADD CREDENTIALSTORECreates a Credentials Store wallet for database credentials.
INFO CREDENTIALSTORELists all users in the Credentials Store wallet.
DBLOGINLogs into the database with credentials. Example: DBLOGIN USERIDALIAS sourcepass
ADD SCHEMATRANDATA / ADD TRANDATAAdds schema-level or table-level supplemental logging. Requires DBLOGIN.
DELETE TRANDATAStops supplemental logging on a database table.
INFO TRANDATA / INFO SCHEMATRANDATADisplays supplemental logging status for a table or schema.
HISTORYLists a history of GGSCI commands used.
ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE / DELETE CHECKPOINTTABLEAdds or deletes a checkpoint table on the target database.
INFO CHECKPOINTTABLEDisplays the status and creation date of a checkpoint table.
OBEYRuns a set of commands from a .oby file. Example: OBEY dirprm/conf.oby
SHELLExecutes OS commands from the GGSCI prompt. Example: SHELL df -h dirdat
HELPProvides help for GGSCI commands. Example: HELP ADD EXTRACT
Table: Oracle GoldenGate Commands Overview

For detailed explanations and examples, refer to the Oracle GoldenGate Documentation.


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