Essential Linux Commands for Oracle DBA


A handy list of Linux commands every Oracle DBA should know! From system checks to database management, this guide makes your tasks simpler and faster.

# 1. System Information

uname -a                      # Display kernel version and system architecture
cat /etc/*release             # Show OS version
uptime                        # System uptime
top                           # Show CPU and Memory usage
vmstat                        # Report virtual memory statistics
df -h                         # Check disk space usage
free -m                       # Display memory usage
dmesg                         # Display kernel-related messages
iostat                        # Show CPU and disk I/O stats
sar                           # Collect, report, and save system activity

# 2. User and Group Management

id                            # Display current user UID, GID
whoami                        # Show current user
who                           # List logged-in users
w                             # Detailed view of logged-in users
groups                        # List group memberships
su - <user>                   # Switch to another user
sudo -i                       # Switch to root user
passwd                        # Change user password

# 3. Process Management

# 4. Disk Management

df -h                         # Disk space usage
du -sh <dir>                  # Disk usage of a directory
lsblk                         # List all block devices
mount | grep <filesystem>     # Check mounted filesystems
umount <device>               # Unmount a filesystem
fdisk -l                      # List partitions
blkid                         # List UUIDs of file systems

# 5. Network Commands

ip a                          # Show IP address configuration
ifconfig                      # Network interface info
ping <hostname/IP>            # Check connectivity
traceroute <hostname/IP>      # Show network path
netstat -tulnp                # List listening ports and processes
ss -tulnp                     # Replacement for netstat
dig <hostname>                # Query DNS
nslookup <hostname>           # DNS resolution
curl -I <URL>                 # Fetch HTTP headers
wget <URL>                    # Download file from URL
scp <file> user@host:/path    # Secure copy to remote
sftp user@host                # Secure FTP to remote server

# 6. File Management

ls -lh                        # List files with size and permissions
cd /path/to/dir               # Change directory
pwd                           # Show current directory
cp -r <source> <dest>         # Copy files/directories
mv <source> <dest>            # Move/rename files
rm -rf <file/dir>             # Remove files/directories
find /path -name <filename>   # Find files by name
grep -r "pattern" /path       # Search for a pattern in files
tar -cvf archive.tar /path    # Create tar archive
tar -xvf archive.tar          # Extract tar archive
zip -r /path      # Create zip archive
unzip             # Extract zip archive

# 7. Oracle Database Specific Commands

sqlplus "/ as sysdba"         # Connect to Oracle DB as sysdba
lsnrctl status                # Check listener status
lsnrctl start                 # Start Oracle Listener
lsnrctl stop                  # Stop Oracle Listener
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1  # Set ORACLE_HOME
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH                          # Update PATH
export ORACLE_SID=ORCL        # Set Oracle SID
tnsping <service_name>        # Test Oracle TNS connectivity
dbstart                       # Start Oracle database services
dbshut                        # Shutdown Oracle database services
rman target /                 # Connect to Recovery Manager (RMAN)
crsctl status resource -t     # Clusterware status (RAC)
srvctl status database -d ORCL # Status of Oracle RAC DB
srvctl start database -d ORCL # Start RAC database
srvctl stop database -d ORCL  # Stop RAC database

# 8. Log and Monitoring

tail -f alert_ORCL.log        # Tail Oracle alert log file
vi /u01/app/oracle/diag/...   # Edit Oracle log files
grep "ORA-" alert_ORCL.log    # Search for ORA errors in logs
df -h | grep /u01             # Monitor Oracle DB mount point usage
cat /etc/oratab               # Check Oracle instances on the system

# 9. Backup and Scheduling

crontab -l                    # List cron jobs
crontab -e                    # Edit cron jobs
rsync -av /source /dest       # Sync files/directories
rman target /                 # RMAN for database backup
tar -cvf oracle_backup.tar /u01/app/oracle/datafiles

# 10. General System Administration

systemctl status <service>    # Check service status
systemctl restart <service>   # Restart a service
journalctl -xe                # View system logs
history                       # Show command history
alias                         # List user-defined aliases
unalias <name>                # Remove an alias
shutdown -h now               # Shutdown system immediately
reboot                        # Reboot the system

This list contains all the essential Linux commands an Oracle DBA would need for database management, troubleshooting, and system administration.


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